When in Doubt, Blame the Cops

When in Doubt, Blame the Cops

60 Minutes recently ran a 15-minute segment on the skyrocketing violence and astronomical number of murders over the last two years in the city of Chicago. My dad was a Chicago cop. I was born in the City, lived in it until I was seven and still reside within its suburban borders, ...
So, What’s New with the Hackers?

So, What’s New with the Hackers?

[Publisher's Note: Criminal hackers are constantly evolving their practices to evade detection. Although the information in this article is still applicable, with time it will lose relevance as hackers discover new channels. That's the nature of the challenge, so keep learning and ...
Good Stop or Chicken Sh#t?

Good Stop or Chicken Sh#t?

On Nov. 1, 2016, at approximately 1:15 a.m., Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Officer Lucas Jones stopped Jerime Mitchell because the rear license plate on his SUV failed to have illumination. It ended with the subject resisting and an assault on the officer. A shot was fired and the motorist was ...
On Being African-American in Law Enforcement

On Being African-American in Law Enforcement

From a historical standpoint, the law enforcement profession has primarily been composed of non-blacks. Traditionally, enforcing the law of the land meant policing by those in dominion. To those who were oppressed, the law lacked legitimacy. Sometimes the laws, and some enforcing ...

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