Looking for the Bad Guy

Looking for the Bad Guy

Broward County Deputy Scot R. Peterson is a coward. On this point everyone agrees. His Sheriff, Scott Israel, publicly stated that he was “devastated, sick to my stomach” after learning about his deputy’s apparent refusal to enter the building looking for what turned out to be ...
Schools & Police: The Need For Presence

Schools & Police: The Need For Presence

While the recent school mass shooting in Florida is on the minds of people across the nation, this article is not directly in response to that incident. Rather, I’m discussing the frequent day-to-day aggression that occurs between students in our schools and just one factor that I ...
Art & Literature in Police Academies?

Art & Literature in Police Academies?

Some authors and publications have argued recently against police receiving and using equipment, training, and tactics similar to the military (the so-called “militarization of the police”). Like most cops, I disagree with this characterization. I present as evidence situations like ...
A Tale of Two Cities

A Tale of Two Cities

I just read two articles that struck a chord in me. It’s a chord that seems to be striking often these days. Both of these articles, the first from the Chicago Tribune and the second found on the website Law Enforcement Today, are exceptionally researched and written. They lay out ...
VIDEO: Lessons from Reaching into a Car

VIDEO: Lessons from Reaching into a Car

There’s a reason he couldn’t let go and it has to do with fear and physiology. He’s not the first cop to grab the car of a fleeing suspect. It never ends with the cop slowing the car to halt like some superhero. The grab is an unconscious reaction to the suspect’s sudden ...

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