To Serve & Protect

To Serve & Protect

“Not all men are created equal, but only the finest become police officers.” This anonymous quote is embroidered in thick, black letters on an oval shaped slab of concrete resting in the center of my backyard garden. My hero may not have a cape or a mask, but he does have a badge. My ...
Remembering the City as It Was

Remembering the City as It Was

“You worry too much,” my friend told me as we walked with our wives on the streets in the downtown section of Denver. I had just cautioned him to keep an eye out for someone walking behind us. I thought for a minute about what he said, and I replied, “No, I’ve seen too much.” We ...
Tactical Paraphrasing

Tactical Paraphrasing

‘Active Listening’ dominates discourse on ‘deescalation,’ at least as far as classes and training seminars go. As for using it in the field, however, that’s another story. The Problem You are in a situation where you are trying to calm down an agitated individual. In classic form ...
Street Survival II: Chapter 13 Excerpt

Street Survival II: Chapter 13 Excerpt

“You have to be ready for when the day chooses you!” St. Paul, MN Officer Brian Wanschura One night in California, two officers on stakeout were sitting in their patrol car chatting quietly to while-away the dragging hours. In the darkness, a man silently crept up from behind, ...
Street Survival, Now

Street Survival, Now

About the Street Survival Update The primary author of the original Street Survival, Tactics for Armed Encounters, published in 1980, was Chuck Remsberg.  At that time, he had no idea that he was writing perhaps the best selling law enforcement book of all time.  Nor did he have any ...

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