FTOs & Compartmentalization

FTOs & Compartmentalization

Compartmentalization. Geez, that’s a long word! It’s a real tongue-twister even when typing it. I’ve looked up some synonyms and can hopefully avoid writing that word repeatedly for the rest of this article. But not only is compartmentalization hard to type, it's been difficult to ...
FTO as Mentor

FTO as Mentor

Year in and year out field training sergeants and coordinators conduct hundreds, if not thousands, of interviews with hopeful and eager officers testing to become their department’s next field training officer. This selection process is crucial for every agency as the appointment of ...


With the availability of social media and information outlets like Facebook, Twitter, and so many others that this Gen X cop can’t remember or pronounce, the idea of what is “trending” has become very popular. I even hear some of my favorite commentators on radio and television come ...

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