Street Survival II: Chapter 13 Excerpt

Street Survival II: Chapter 13 Excerpt

“You have to be ready for when the day chooses you!” St. Paul, MN Officer Brian Wanschura One night in California, two officers on stakeout were sitting in their patrol car chatting quietly to while-away the dragging hours. In the darkness, a man silently crept up from behind, ...
Street Survival, Now

Street Survival, Now

About the Street Survival Update The primary author of the original Street Survival, Tactics for Armed Encounters, published in 1980, was Chuck Remsberg.  At that time, he had no idea that he was writing perhaps the best selling law enforcement book of all time.  Nor did he have any ...
Street Survival II: Chapter 12 Excerpt

Street Survival II: Chapter 12 Excerpt

Q: “In the vast majority of cases, before people attack, what do they do? A: “They tell you.” Calibre Press Street Survival Seminar Human Behavior Specialists If dealing with people is what we law enforcement officers do, then when it comes to that topic we need to become the ...
Street Suvival II: Chapter 1 Excerpt

Street Suvival II: Chapter 1 Excerpt

“To prepare for what will happen, look to what has happened.”  Gordon Graham History’s Lessons The primary circumstances in which criminals take on officers in gunfights have varied little throughout history. An early example of a police officer being killed in the line of duty ...
A Conversation with My Daughter

A Conversation with My Daughter

On Monday afternoon one of my daughters, Kara, called me. There was a sense of urgency as well as desperation in her voice. “Do you see what’s going on at Mercy Hospital?” Mercy is a southside Chicago general medical center chartered as the first hospital in the city, I’ve learned in ...

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